Christian Education

The history of Lutheranism has always placed an emphasis on education. Martin Luther translated the Bible into German so that everyone could read God’s Word, as well as to promote literacy. Martin Luther was credited by historians not only for his work in the church but on his advances in the German educational system. At Christ, we value a life of faith and knowledge. We hold to God’s Word as well as using reason as gift of God.


We offer a youth confirmation program at Christ that last for two years. One year is studying an overview of Biblical history. The second year is learning about the bases of our teachings, looking at the Bible as well as Lutheran’s small Catechism.


We offer a Sunday morning Bible study in the hour before our worship service. We have looked at a variety of topics including specific books of the Bible, different faiths and worldviews, and other areas of current events and ethics questions for which our faith has answers.


We also have a midweek afternoon Bible study, which is currently on Tuesdays at 1:00pm. We are walking through the foundation of faith and life. This class is ultimately discussion based, so we are indeed covering a wide variety of topics each week.